System Analyst @ PSA
Excited for the first step of corporate life as a fresh graduate!
NUS Data Science and Analytics 2024
I have recently graduated from the National University of Singapore (NUS) with a Bachelor of Science in Data Science and Analytics. I also took a minor in Computer Science, which I believe will be a good supplement for my data science journey!
A list of my working experiences are included below. Click on the images to find more details!
System Analyst @ PSAExcited for the first step of corporate life as a fresh graduate!
Research Intern @ A*STARI kept exploring different fields of internships and am now doing some research on multi-robot search algorithms using simulatenous localization and mapping (SLAM) and guaranteed search with spanning trees (GSST). This is also my final year internship!
Testing Engineer Intern @ TikTokI received the offer to become a testing engineer intern at TikTok during the whole summer of 2022! In this role, I perform quality assurance on features and platforms related to TikTok, making sure customers are able to use it functionally well.
CS1010S Teaching AssistantI am currently a teaching assistant (ex-head) for the Programming Methodology (CS1010S) course, which will be in Python. Aside from teaching, I also contributed on developing the autograder system in the course website. Feel free to look at the module details here.
CS2040 Teaching AssistantI am also a teaching assistant for the Data Structure and Algorithms (CS2040) course, which will be in Java. I touch more on the concepts of how the common algorithms work and break it down into a more understandable explanation. Feel free to look at the module details here.
DSA2101 Teaching AssistantThree modules the charm? I also teach at the Data Visualisation (DSA2101) course, mainly on discussing tutorial solutions and grading assignments, which uses R as the programming language. Feel free to look at the module details here.
DSA Tutor @ Wardaya CollegeI taught an 11-week course called CS101 about data structures and algorithms in Python. I also made an assignment set weekly for my students to practice about what is taught for the week.
DS Instructor @ EKTIZO CodingI decided to become an instructor for a 6-week data science workshop. We managed to cover topics such as Pandas, Matplotlib, and NumPy.
Projects that I've been working on, including those in progress. These projects are currently related to my activities in NUS. Click on the images to find more details!
A trio of projects within the module DSA4212: Optimisation for Large-Scale Data-Driven Inference, a module that I personally really enjoyed.
An API wrapper for the Kattis website that contains past competitive programming problems using web scraping tools. It automates various data collection processes and visualizes it at will. It started back in May 2023 and is now installable as a Python package.
Using Selenium and bitmask backtracking, you can automate the Squaredle word search game and find as many bonus words as you can.
Using Selenium and the A* search algorithm, you can also automate the Waffle word game with 5 moves remaining. With the same code you can also solve Wordle!
A simple web scraping and RegEx tool to solve the Redactle game that aims to guess the Wikipedia page title based on its redacted content.
As part of the ST4248: Statistical Learning II project, a team of four people including myself trained various machine learning models to predict HDB flat resale prices and explore how each of these models work. The full report can be seen on this website.
A simple chatbot using Java as the individual project component of the module CS2103: Software Engineering. The GUI was created using JavaFX.
A dashboard tool to manage students' final year projects (FYP) as a modification from a simple address book using Java. The project was done by a team of six including me and was also the team project component of the module CS2103: Software Engineering. The GUI was created using JavaFX as well.
Using R-CNN, one can predict the supermarket visitor flow using ESP32-CAM cameras that capture just the lower limb to avoid capturing identifiable features of individuals. This project of eight members was part of the module DSA3101: Data Science in Practice.
To assist CS1010S students on their first few assignments involving "runes", I made a Telegram bot that generates the images of the runes automatically to compare against their workings conveniently. As a fun side quest, I also added more runes that can be found within this Telegram bot.
This was a machine learning project me and my friends did for the module CS3244: Machine Learning and revolves around natural language processing. The aim was to predict an emoji best associated with a given Twitter post, which was extracted using Twitter's API.
A bot for University Scholars Programme's (USP) orientation camp, implemented in Python and JSON.
A puzzle bot for Mathematics and Statistics Orientation Camp (MSOC) 2021, also implemented in Python and JSON.
Studying hard isn't enough for me in NUS. These activities are important and actually became my self-enrichment, too! Click on the images to find more details!
Peer Mentor @ Pioneer HouseI'm a Peer Mentor in my current NUS hostel, Pioneer House (PH). Being a student leader trains my leadership and communication skills, and therefore I'm having fun with the position!
Here are the list of Telegram bots I have incorporated in my mentoring events so far:2020-2021
Programmes Subcommittee + OGL @ Math & Stats Orientation Camp 2021Besides planning on the games and the events for the camp itself, I decided to implement a Telegram bot for one of the games and simultaneously led
an orientation group!
Really wished the camp was longer 😊
Tech Subcommittee @ NUS Angklung EnsembleFirst time trying to code something serious outside Python, which is JavaScript and Svelte. Also my first time creating a custom audio player.
Puzzle Subcommittee Member @ NUS Mathematics SocietyI signed up as one of the proofreaders and puzzle editors for the MathSoc weekly puzzle. You can check it out in their Instagram posts here!
Contributing to many people and inspire them! Click on the images to find more details!
PINUS Open DayI am thankful to be invited as one of the panelists in the second ever PINUS Open Day, an event held by the Indonesian NUS Students Associate, to reach out to almost 100 current Indonesian students aiming for admission opportunities in NUS. Just like the one in 2021, I talked about my university life as a data science undergraduate student, with more focus on internships and my co-corricular activities.
Feel free to watch the full video here!
Our Everyday MathematicsFeel free to watch the full video here!
EXPOSÉ Education FairAlongside five other friends of mine, I gave a sharing on an education fair about how being in a data science major is like, continued with a simple crash course on data wrangling, data visualization, and machine learning. The materials for this session can be found in this Github repository.
PINUS Open DayI got the chance to become one of the panelists in PINUS Open Day 2021, an event held by the Indonesian NUS Students Associate, to reach out to current Indonesian students aiming for admission opportunities in NUS. During the event, I talked about my admission journey and university life as a data science undergraduate student.
Feel free to watch the full video here!
Wardaya Education ExpoI did a sharing about NUS in general during the Wardaya Education Expo held some time ago. It was attended by around 1200 participants around Indonesia. During the session I also shared my tips on having a pleasant university life, especially in NUS.
Wardaya Alumni TalkAs someone who has been into olympiad mathematics in the past, I did a sharing about my experience in various olympiad mathematics competitions I have done before and some suggestions on how to solve olympiad mathematics problems well.
Here are the list of things that I do in my spare time!