Based on a true story...
After almost a month of non-stop work, Dad wanted to atone for the loss of family time by treating everyone to watch a musical performance. As it was decided late, Dad hastily tried to book tickets online; there was only a pocket of three seats at a corner in the last row. Dad quickly selected the seats, and proceeded to make payment.. but arghhh.. the browser hung!!!
He quickly refreshed the booking site but to his horror, the seats were already booked! He tried to clear the browser cache, use incognito mode, use different browsers, different devices... all to no avail! Someone must have booked the same three seats! Dad was left exasperated.
An hour later, Mum accessed the booking site out of curiosity and found that the same seats were still available. Long story short... Mum saved the day!
But why would the booking system keep the seats booked even if payment did not proceed? There was something very wrong with the design of the system!
Your task is to design a better seat-booking system. Users can access the system at the same time, but seats are only locked upon payment. In this way, if one user fails to book the seats, other users can still proceed. In the case of Dad, he would just need to refresh and book the seats again.
This task comprises a number of levels. You are required to complete ALL levels.
The following are the constraints imposed on this task. In general, you should keep to the constructs and programming discipline instilled throughout the module.
A minimal Pair class (not a record, but behaves similarly) has been provided for you. DO NOT replace this with your own version.
Let's start by creating a seating plan. The Seat interface has been provided for you. DO NOT modify it.
interface Seat { public boolean isBooked(); }Create the Available and Booked classes as implementations of Seat so that calling isBooked() returns false and true respectively. Moreover, include the toString method that correspondingly returns the string representation . and B.
$ javac your_java_files $ jshell your_java_files_in_bottom-up_dependency_order jshell> Stream.<Seat>of(new Available(), new Booked()).map(x -> x.isBooked()).toList() $.. ==> [false, true] jshell> Stream.<Seat>of(new Available(), new Booked()).forEach(x -> System.out.println(x)) . B
We simplify the seating arrangement as one single row of seats. Seats are numbered starting from 0, just like in regular list indexing.
Create the Seating class following the specifications below:
takes in a positive integer capacity and creates a seating plan of all available seats.
takes in a row of seats specified as a pair of values comprising the starting seat number and the number of consecutive seats, and proceeds to test if all seats are available. You will also need to check the avaiability (as well as validity) of the row of seats against the current seating plan.
books the row of seats specified. If seats are available, the updated seating plan is returned; otherwise the original seating plan is returned.
returns the string representation of the seating plan.
$ javac your_java_files $ jshell your_java_files_in_bottom-up_dependency_order jshell> new Seating(20) $.. ==> .................... jshell> new Seating(20).isAvailable(new Pair<Integer,Integer>(1,5)) $.. ==> true jshell> new Seating(20).book(new Pair<Integer,Integer>(1,5)) $.. ==> .BBBBB.............. jshell> new Seating(20).book(new Pair<Integer,Integer>(1,5)). ...> isAvailable(new Pair<Integer,Integer>(5,5)) $.. ==> false jshell> new Seating(20).book(new Pair<Integer,Integer>(1,5)). ...> book(new Pair<Integer,Integer>(5,5)) $.. ==> .BBBBB.............. jshell> new Seating(20).isAvailable(new Pair<Integer,Integer>(15,10)) $.. ==> false jshell> new Seating(20).book(new Pair<Integer,Integer>(15,10)) $.. ==> .................... jshell> new Seating(20).isAvailable(new Pair<Integer,Integer>(-5,10)) $.. ==> false
Booking and purchasing seats are handled via different transactions. We shall first look at the Request (request-to-book) transaction, just one of many sub-classes of Transaction.
When a user makes a booking request, he/she selects a row of seats from a given seating plan. As part of the purchase later, the billing number as well as the bank is required.
Create a constructor Request so as to instantiate a request transaction. Note that this is only a request, no actual booking or billing is done.
Request(Seating plan, Pair<Integer,Integer> rowOfSeats, int billing, Bank bank)
Here is an example when a request for five seats are made on an empty seating plan.
$ javac your_java_files $ jshell your_java_files_in_bottom-up_dependency_order jshell> Transaction t = new Request(new Seating(20), ...> new Pair<Integer,Integer>(1,5), 2030, x -> x % 2 == 0) t ==> REQUEST: Requesting ....................
The first two arguments are the seating plan and the row of seats to be booked (availability will be checked later). The third argument is an integer billing identifier.
The fourth argument is interesting. Bank parameter takes in a lambda expression where the input is an integer and the output is a boolean value. Doing this allows us to simulate a successful or failed purchase when the lambda expression is applied on the billing identifier. In the above example, since the bank identifier is even, the purchase will eventually proceed. If all seems confusing, right now just figure out how to correctly define Bank.
The output comprises three parts:
You may assume that the seats that are booked by a user are valid. You will need to check the validity again later when the actual booking takes place.
Suppose three users are planning to book seats at around the same time. They will all see the same seating plan. Let's assume no seats have been booked yet.
jshell> Transaction r1 = new Request(new Seating(20), ...> new Pair<Integer,Integer>(10, 10), 2030, x -> x % 2 == 0) r1 ==> REQUEST: Requesting .................... jshell> Transaction r2 = new Request(new Seating(20), ...> new Pair<Integer,Integer>(15,2), 2040, x -> false) r2 ==> REQUEST: Requesting .................... jshell> Transaction r3 = new Request(new Seating(20), ...> new Pair<Integer,Integer>(8,2), 1010, x -> false) r3 ==> REQUEST: Requesting ....................
All request transactions will now be processed one by one. We start off with an initial transaction Init. This transaction encapsulates the current seating which will be used for the actual booking.
jshell> Transaction init = new Init(new Seating(20).book(new Pair<Integer,Integer>(1,5))) init ==> INIT: Initializing .BBBBB..............
The first request transaction takes in the initial transaction and attempts to perform a booking.
jshell> Transaction afterR1 = r1.transact(init) afterR1 ==> APPROVED: Initializing billed 2030; booked 10--19 .BBBBB....BBBBBBBBBB
Notice that the transaction is approved because seats are available and the bank approves the billing (because 2030 is even). Billing identifier and range of seats booked are also logged. The resulting transaction is an Approve transaction.
The next request transaction proceeds.
jshell> Transaction afterR2 = r2.transact(afterR1) afterR2 ==> APPROVED: Initializing billed 2030; booked 10--19 .BBBBB....BBBBBBBBBB
Notice that nothing happens. This is because the seats are no longer available. For simplicity, we do not need to log since no attempt to bill takes place. In this case, the transaction returned will be the same as the one after the r1 transaction, as though r2 has not taken place.
Now for the third request,
jshell> r3.transact(afterR2) $.. ==> REJECTED: Initializing billed 2030; booked 10--19 not billed 1010 .BBBBB....BBBBBBBBBB
In this case, the seats are available, but the bank rejects the billing. This is logged in the transaction. The resulting transaction is a Reject transaction. Note that this only means that the last transaction is rejected, not all transactions have been rejected.
Your task is to write the Init, Approve and Reject transaction classes. All transactions classes require the following method to be defined.
Transaction transact(Transaction t)
Tip: for those transactions whose transact method is never called, you can simply return this.
Now the easy part. Within the given, include the method
Transaction process(Stream<Transaction> transactions, Init init)that takes in a stream of request transactions, processes them one by one using the seating plan within the init transaction. The method returns the resulting transaction after processing all requests.
$ javac --release 21 --enable-preview $ jshell your_java_files_in_bottom-up_dependency_order jshell> Transaction r1 = new Request(new Seating(20), ...> new Pair<Integer,Integer>(10, 10), 2030, x -> x % 2 == 0) r1 ==> REQUEST: Requesting .................... jshell> Transaction r2 = new Request(new Seating(20), ...> new Pair<Integer,Integer>(15,2), 2040, x -> false) r2 ==> REQUEST: Requesting .................... jshell> Transaction r3 = new Request(new Seating(20), ...> new Pair<Integer,Integer>(8,2), 1010, x -> false) r3 ==> REQUEST: Requesting .................... jshell> Init init = new Init(new Seating(20).book(new Pair<Integer,Integer>(1,5))) init ==> INIT: Initializing .BBBBB.............. jshell> process(Stream.of(r1, r2, r3), init) $.. ==> REJECTED: Initializing billed 2030; booked 10--19 not billed 1010 .BBBBB....BBBBBBBBBB