CS2030 Practical Assessment #1

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Our favourite Cool-Spot at COM2 has decided to ride on the robot-barista bandwagon by engaging Ro'Bro as an additional helper. Ro'Bro's job is to serve up a variety of hot drinks to students and staff who require a daily fix to maintain their function (and also sanity) throughout the day. Moreover, in line with our government's Nutri-Grade initiative to "grade" our drinks, each drink will be labeled with its nutrition content.


Your task is to write a program to create various types of drinks using different ingredients and toppings, while also determining the corresponding nutrition content of each drink.

Take note!

There are altogether five levels. You are required to complete ALL levels.

You should keep to the constructs taught in class, as well as the programming discipline instilled throughout the course.

You may assume that all tests provide valid arguments to the methods; hence there is no need to validate method arguments.

Level 1

The following Drink interface is provided. You are NOT ALLOWED to modify this interface.

    interface Drink {
        public Nutri value();

The Drink interface specifies a value method that takes no argument, and returns the nutrition content of the drink encapsulated in a Nutri object. Define the Nutri class with one constructor that takes in a String followed by an integer so as to create a Nutri object comprising one nutrient with its corresponding amount in milligrams.

Define the classes Tea and Coffee to represent plain black tea and plain black coffee. Include the value method to return the nutrition content in milligrams: 100mg of caffeine for coffee; 50mg of caffeine for tea.

Include an appropriate toString method that returns a String representation of the drink in lowercase.

    $ javac your_java_files
    $ jshell your_java_files_in_bottom-up_dependency_order
    jshell> new Nutri("caffeine", 10)
    $.. ==> [(caffeine, 10)]
    jshell> new Coffee()
    $.. ==> coffee
    jshell> new Coffee().value()
    $.. ==> [(caffeine, 100)]
    jshell> Drink drink = new Tea()
    drink ==> tea
    jshell> Nutri nutri = new Tea().value()
    nutri ==> [(caffeine, 50)]
In this level, your program will be tested against other drinks. You may assume that each drink contains only one nutrient (not necessarily caffeine) with its corresponding amount in milligrams.

Level 2

We can add sugar to either coffee or tea.

Write a Sugar class that takes in a coffee or tea (or any base drink) and returns the drink with sugar added. The amount of sugar added is a constant 8 grams (or 8000 mg) per drink. Note that while sugar is an ingredient, it also contains sugar as a nutrient.

Since tea (or coffee) with sugar is itself a drink, it will have a nutrition content that includes both sugar and caffeine.

    $ javac your_java_files
    $ jshell your_java_files_in_bottom-up_dependency_order
    jshell> new Sugar(new Coffee())
    $.. ==> sugar
    jshell> new Sugar(new Coffee()).value()
    $.. ==> [(caffeine, 100), (sugar, 8000)]
    jshell> Drink drink = new Sugar(new Tea())
    drink ==> sugar
    jshell> drink.value()
    $.. ==> [(caffeine, 50), (sugar, 8000)]

The nutrition content should be output by alphabetic order of the nutrient. In the above example, "caffeine" is placed before "sugar" in the output nutrient list. You may assume that all nutrients are lowercase.

Moreover, for simplicity, the String representation of new Sugar(..) should remain as only "sugar", leaving out the rest of the components of the drink.

In this level, your program will be tested against drinks with or without sugar added. The base drinks will not contain sugar.

Level 3

Other than sugar as an ingredient, we can add further ingredients such as milk. Using coffee as an example, we can now make additional varieties of coffee.

To construct additional drinks out of various ingredients, writing a class for each combination can become cumbersome. Instead, we need only write classes for each ingredient, but create combinations of drinks on-the-fly (or dynamically), e.g. new Milk(new Sugar(new Coffee())).

Now include the Milk class. The portion of milk mixed into coffee or tea has a nutrition content of 2680 mg of fat and 4340 mg of sugar. Since milk has more than one nutrient, include an update method in the Nutri class that allows the nutrient content to be updated. It will also be useful to consider updating the same nutrient by adding the amounts.

    $ javac your_java_files
    $ jshell your_java_files_in_bottom-up_dependency_order
    jshell> new Nutri("fat", 1).update("sugar", 2).update("caffeine", 3).update("sugar",4)
    $.. ==> [(caffeine, 3), (fat, 1), (sugar, 6)]
    jshell> new Milk(new Coffee())
    $.. ==> milk
    jshell> new Milk(new Coffee()).value()
    $.. ==> [(caffeine, 100), (fat, 2680), (sugar, 4340)]
    jshell> Drink drink = new Milk(new Tea())
    drink ==> milk
    jshell> drink.value()
    $.. ==> [(caffeine, 50), (fat, 2680), (sugar, 4340)]
    jshell> new Sugar(new Milk(new Coffee()))
    $.. ==> sugar
    jshell> new Sugar(new Milk(new Coffee())).value()
    $.. ==> [(caffeine, 100), (fat, 2680), (sugar, 12340)]
    jshell> new Milk(new Sugar(new Tea()))
    $.. ==> milk
    jshell> new Milk(new Sugar(new Tea())).value()
    $.. ==> [(caffeine, 50), (fat, 2680), (sugar, 12340)]

In this level, your program will be test against more types of drinks other than just combinations of tea, coffee, sugar and milk. Specifically,

Level 4

Just like ingredients, we can add toppings to a drink. We shall illustrate with two toppings: cinnamon and cream.

Write the Cinnamon and Cream classes to represent the two toppings. We can now create further combination of drinks. You may assume that each ingredient/topping will not be used more than once.

    $ javac your_java_files
    $ jshell your_java_files_in_bottom-up_dependency_order
    jshell> new Milk(new Cinnamon(new Tea())).value()
    $.. ==> [(caffeine, 50), (fat, 2900), (sugar, 4490)]
    jshell> new Cream(new Sugar(new Coffee()))
    $.. ==> cream
    jshell> new Cream(new Sugar(new Coffee())).value()
    $.. ==> [(caffeine, 100), (fat, 10000), (sugar, 10000)]
    jshell> new Cinnamon(new Milk(new Cream(new Sugar(new Coffee()))))
    $.. ==> cinnamon
    jshell> new Cinnamon(new Milk(new Cream(new Sugar(new Coffee())))).value()
    $.. ==> [(caffeine, 100), (fat, 12900), (sugar, 14490)]

Although toppings and ingredients look similar, during preparation ingredients need to be added first into an empty cup, then the drink is poured into the cup, and finally topped up with toppings.

We now upgrade the Drink interface to the following.

    interface Process {
        public String prep();
    interface Drink extends Process { // please modify Drink.java with "extends Process"
        public Nutri value();

DO NOT modify these two interfaces from now on.

We illustrate with an example of Tea with Milk and Cinnamon where milk is added first, followed by tea, and then topped up with cinnamon. Note that the preparations below are the same.

    jshell> new Milk(new Cinnamon(new Tea())).prep()
    $.. ==> "milk>[tea]<cinnamon"
    jshell> new Cinnamon(new Milk(new Tea())).prep()
    $.. ==> "milk>[tea]<cinnamon"

Specifically, append (add to the back) each addition of an ingredient with >, and prepend (add to the front) each addition of a topping with <. The base drink is surrounded by square brackets [..].

The example below illustrates the order of adding multiple ingredients and toppings. Ingredients are added from left to right, but toppings are added from right to left.

    jshell> new Cinnamon(new Milk(new Cream(new Sugar(new Coffee())))).prep()
    $.. ==> "milk>sugar>[coffee]<cream<cinnamon"
    jshell> new Cream(new Milk(new Cinnamon(new Sugar(new Coffee())))).prep()
    $.. ==> "milk>sugar>[coffee]<cinnamon<cream"

Level 5

With the introduction of Ro'Bro, Cool-Spot now sees a never-ending queue of students. University Health Service is now deeply concerned about the nutritional content of drinks and their effects on the health of students. They have decided to conduct an audit to ascertain the health effects.

Write an Audit class with a method add that takes in a Drink and tracks the grade of the drink using a frequency table. The grade of a drink is determined as follows:

Grade Sugar Fat
A up to 2400mg up to 1680mg
B >2400 to 12000mg >1680 to 2880mg
C >12000 to 24000mg >2880 to 6720mg
D >24000mg >6720mg

Every drink added to Audit will be tracked as a data point in a frequency table. This table is returned via the toString method of Audit.

    $ javac your_java_files
    $ jshell your_java_files_in_bottom-up_dependency_order
    jshell> Drink drink = new Cinnamon(new Milk(new Cream(new Sugar(new Coffee()))))
    drink ==> cinnamon
    jshell> drink.value().grade()
    $.. ==> "D"
    jshell> new Audit().add(new Coffee()).add(new Tea()).add(drink)
    $.. ==> [(A, 2), (B, 0), (C, 0), (D, 1)]
    jshell> /exit

In the above, two grade "A" drinks, and one grade "D" drink have been added.